These images are from Steeple Bay of sunrises and sunsets taking at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, some of them are just shifts to the side or zoomed in versions of the other photos because each of us is looking for a different thing. These types of images have been specifically requested for two different projects so you are going to initially see a lot of these at the beginning of this year so I hope you all like light on water and silhouettes
March 10, 2023
January 9, 2022
Pictures to Paint – Sunset and Sunrise
January 2, 2022
Pictures to Paint – Intro
The last few years I have found myself increasingly putting together little groups of my photos for artists to help them draw some fantasy landscape or for children to paint so I thought I’d make it official and do a little series of these picture bundles on here on this blog – a new thing for this year to get us all creating once more!
Things have personally been quiet rough for us so my hope is that in helping others to create we too will once more create and share <3
Obviously new year seems a fine time to launch such a thing and so that is exactly what we are doing!
Now there is a great photo archive on Salaric Photography which people are also welcome to look at though the quality of the photos is highly variable as the equipment we are using and of course our own experience has been getting better over the years – please credit me when you do use my stuff for inspiration you don’t really have to but it would be nice thank you
I also now have instagram – my SnellPym one is the most active but I also have a specific Salaric Craft one
Also Pinterest is still there though doesn’t seem to work on my phone at the moment so I haven’t uploaded for a while but plan to!
Writers I also share images and story starters along with general prompts to help get the old pen a writing or the fingers typing or the voice a dictating too – these can be found on my Muse Monster Blogs and World Poetry plus obviously I have an Insta Account for that too which you can find here
To get us all going here is a chain on a beach of pebbles, rusted and chunky and just waiting for a writer or artist to make into something new!
For a higher res version of the image click on the photo – if you want to use the actual photos (rather than the art work you’ve created from it) for something please ask
Also don’t forget the blog has shifted away from ad links to a pay what you can button – so if you’ve found us helpful why not leave a tip – say a cup of coffee worths of money?
Good creating EVERYONE
October 16, 2019
Redemption Candy Skull
This is a water colour I painted in South Africa a few years ago whilst visiting family – I was sitting in a surfer cafe which had this interesting mix of life and death and adventure. I really liked the juxtaposition of the ideas and the naturalness of it all.
The following images are close ups of parts of the paintings – it was all done free hand and on the spot.
October 10, 2019
Felt of A Stranger Dream
This image was created out of sheet felt for the video I created for A Stranger Dream. The video has since been played at various events such as International Women’s Day and Pride.
May 7, 2019
September 30, 2017
Upcycled Jewellery and Flowers
Tomorrow I am running two of my Sustainability Series of workshops as Salaric Craft at Gloucester Cathedral as part of their Sustainability and Harvest Festival – it marks the 1st yr anniversary of the solar panels going live and is part of an on going development process to make the Cathedral green and sustainable.
One of the workshops is making paper flowers from old magazines and books and turning them into table centres and displays, this includes making the “vases”, basket making, and weaving paper and is adaptable to all skill levels.
The other workshop is creating jewellery from reclaimed materials, this is another upcycling workshop – some of the materials are “rubbish” like old paper, card, bottle tops and some things that were surplus to requirements and were saved from becoming needless landfill like half used bottle of nail vanish and metal washers.
The Sustainability Series of workshops and talks that I have designed as part of Salaric is very important to me as I believe it a) helps people learn skills that maybe life changers or even life savers and b) it helps people become more aware of the waste and issues surrounding the environment and hopefully will help curb things like global warming c) it gives people ideas of cheap ways to fix, repair and make things which in these times of austerity is something that many people need (p.s. these workshops are free tomorrow )
July 21, 2017
Cuddly Science’s Histories
So I’ve been working on a new series of colouring in sheets – this is one of the raw picture before digital clean up and is for when Cuddly Science (my thing with the puppets) is more Cuddly History!
It is based on Roman Mosaics including being purposefully wonky! I want to do some actual mosaic colouring sheets based on real mosaics but need to sort out the source photography images first – I know I have a lot of the Orpheus Pavement somewhere!
The cleaned up “activity sheet” version is going out at The Festival of Archaeology event at Gloucester Cathedral and when I get a moment it will go up in the Cuddly Science category on The WigglyPets Press.
July 14, 2017
I am working on colouring in sheets for my Cuddly Science workshops again – this one is based on sketches of ammonite specimens I did as an undergraduate. It needs cleaning up and then I’ll pop it up as a free down load
June 25, 2017
Mary Leakey – The Puppet
Cuddly Science has a new puppet Mary Leakey – an paleoanthropologist who along with various other members of her family and team found alot of the early homonid fossils and moved our understanding of our own evolution on in leaps and bounds.
Mary Leakey was one of my science heroes when I was a teen – during my GCSEs and A’levels I read all the books the library had or could get on her discoveries. And she was in the original list of ten puppets to make for Cuddly Science. My Mum and Dad worked on her mainly in secret for me, knowing I was uber busy with things.
She also doubles as a general geologist, archeologist and explorer! Which is just what I needed with various archeology festivals and geology based workshops coming up this summer!
The puppet was in fact barely finished before it was being whizzed off to the Cheltenham Science Festival to help explain the Cheltenham Hackspace’s magic sand box!
This 3D projector that maps the sand contours in real time and projects and ever updating graded colour system on top was amazing! I do have video but haven’t worked out how to extract it from my phone etc…
We had over 10, 000 kids through the Makers Shack at the festival which was amazing and also exhausting! Mary Leakey and Ada Lovelace both enjoyed their outings and I have a hell of a lot more photos and vids to put up from the festival including trying to launch a robot into near Earth orbit! But for now I shall end with this pic of Mary Leakey chilling and relaxing behind the scenes.