

June 29, 2008

Fluttery Leaf

Filed under: Kids Projects,Paper Craft — sarah @ 10:21 am

Paper Leaf

A while ago we went to Cheltenham museum and as part of one of the exhibits the children could make leaves to hang on a tree. My husband made this leaf with our two year old.


He started off with a green circle of waxy tissue paper and folded an edge into the middle so that part of the edge was on the other edge of the circle, then he folded it in half and cut out a crescent shape. This left a leaf shape. Whilst it was folded in half he folded out from the middle crease, which represented the main middle vein in the leaf. The folds were at an angle and he only made the folds/creases ‘hard’ by running his finger over them near the main vein. This gave the leaf its characteristic shape.

The idea of these leaves was to put them on a ‘alphabet’ tree with something written on them, but I think with different greens it would be a good project to make for summer mobiles and you could even get some twisty twigs to act as a tree to hang the leaves on. Alter the colours to include yellows, oranges, reds and browns and you could have fun with some sort of autumn tree.

June 22, 2008

Heart Beads

Heart beads

For these heart beads I mixed up the appropriate colours to create the textures out of fimo soft (polymer clay). I then rolled each texture into sausages of fimo and cut them into millimetre-thick discs. Following this, I aligned these into a wonky square and used my finger to squidge the discs together. I then took a straight high-sided glass and used it as a rolling pin.

I had to keep moving the sheet of fimo I was rolling, otherwise it sticks to the glass or the worktop. Once the sheet was uniformly thin (as much as you can get a uniform thickness by hand – some people use pasta machines for this but I have not tried this myself yet) I used medium-sized aspec cutters that I got from Almond Sugar Crafts.

I then used a paper clip I had bent out of shape to poke a hole just below the point where the heart plunges at the top. Following that, I carefully placed the heart beads onto a baking tray and baked them for 30 minutes at 130 degrees C in our kitchen oven. These look good on earrings and on ribbons around presents. They are a great way to use up spare bits of fimo and for adorning things for weddings and Valentine’s day. If you don’t put a hole in them they can be used as generic craft bits or as re-usable table confetti for romantic meals. The polymer clay also survives second bakings so the hearts can be added to other projects.

June 15, 2008

Brown and Yellow Exotic Flower Card

Filed under: Paper Craft — sarah @ 2:45 pm

get well card

I made this card as a get well soon card for a neighbour who had broken their hip. I used: the picture of the flowers which I had cut out of an old calender, a sheet of brown and a sheet of yellow card, scissors and a pritt stick.

stuff for card

I had cut around the yellow exotic flowers so that they had a slight border to them that was nicely curving with now sharp corners. I then stuck it onto the brown card and cut around the shape again – this time leaving a brown border of a few mm.

cut out brown

I then stuck the resulting shape onto the yellow piece of card which I had folded in half.

stuck on yellow

I then cut around the shape for the third time, this time making sure I didn’t cut completely through the folded side so that it remained a hinged card and not two separate shapes.

opened up

I think it looks nice but isn’t really a card you can stand up as it doesn’t have a flat bottom. Also, I should have left more of the folded edge as it flops a bit too much when opened.

get well card

June 8, 2008

Impressionist Landscape Card

Filed under: Art and Drawings,Paper Craft,Seasonal — sarah @ 3:16 pm

I made this card to send to my friend – I wanted to catch the essence of a summer/autumn landscape. I used one sheet of pale blue card because I thought this would look good as the summer sky in the backdrop of the picture. I then constructed the actual picture out of 3D paint pens: yellow, two types of green and a brown.


I folded the card in half to make a large greetings card.


I wanted a very representative picture rather than one that was full of detail and I was also new to the paint pens so was concerned that trying to do too much detail just wouldn’t work. I took the slightly bluer and darker one of the green pens and drew grass along the bottom edge of the card – the grass was made up of lots of short vertical lines ranging slightly in size from 0.5cm – 2.5cm. I made sure they sort of wiggled slightly too, to make it look more like grass.

Hills and grass

Taking the second green pen, I added on two curving lines to represent the green rolling hills I had seen in the South Downs during my Duke of Edinburgh Award.


I then took the brown paint pen and constructed what I think of as the ‘bare bones’ of a tree. I had it dominating the left hand side of the picture and let it grow organically from my hands rather than thinking about what it should look like. Again I held an image in my mind of the strangely desolate trees I had seen. It has no leaves because I felt it was late summer in a place that was normally quite windy, though the day represented was calm. They also may well have been too ‘busy’ for the card and ruined its composition.

One little flower

I then took the yellow pen and drew a small circle just larger than a penny and filled it in with the paint. Then I drew slightly wavy lines coming out from the circle, though I made sure they weren’t touching the circle. The paint pens are quite difficult to use at first and it is similar to trying to writing with icing. You have to keep squeezing the pen uniformly, which is difficult as there is steadily less and less paint in there to squeeze out.

The pens dry raised but they also dry transparent which I hadn’t realised and had initially picked colours for the pastel shades, but I was actually happier with the result when they had dried than I had been with the original.

June 1, 2008

Fathers Day Cards

Filed under: Fathers Day,Kids Projects,Paper Craft,Seasonal — sarah @ 3:09 pm

Last year I gave the scouts some sheets of different coloured card, stick on red and orange gems in various sizes, stencils of cars and boats, and various colouring pencils and pens. Here are the fathers day cards they produced. Some of the fathers had birthdays around that time so some of the kids made joint cards for the two occasions. They also had some sheets of felt that I had picked up in the Pound Shop; the glues they used were PVA white craft glue and pritt stick.


Apologies for the state of the photograph, I had forgotten to take the camera with me and this particular one was taken on my husband’s phone.